This research paper suggests that Hypopressives are as effective as PFEs for women with pelvic floor dysfunction.
Navarro-Brazalez et al, 2020, 'Effectiveness of Hypopressive exercises in women with pelvic floor dysfunction: a randomised control study', Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol 9 (4): 1149
8 week trial with follow up 3, 6 and 12 months later
94 women - 3 groups - PFMT (pelvic floor muscle training), HE & both
Assessments included PFDI-20 (Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory) PFIQ-7 (Pelvic Floor Impact Questionairre), PFM strength & PF basal tone
The data suggests all 3 treatment groups significantly reduced PFD symptoms, enhanced quality of life and improved PFM strength and basal tone both in the short and long term
Physical therapy is the go-to treatment for women for pelvic floor dysfunction. With the mesh ban, Hypopressives are an exciting treatment option for women in the UK who haven't found normal PFEs effective or want an alternative treatment plan.